Thursday, November 29, 2007

We're Having a Baby!!

It took 2 years, 1 month, 8 days, 1 HSG, 3 IUI, 4 sobby trips to the therapist, 7 "how to get pregnant" books, 1 "systems check", 1 OVwatch (+ 2 sensors), 1 ultrasound, 5 "let's take a vacation to forget" vacations, 3 "let's stop trying" attempts (that doesn't work, by the way), 50 ovulation predictor sticks, 10 blood tests, 5 failed pregnancy tests and countless tears before Ryan and I finally saw what we wanted to see...that second pink line. It was pale, but it was there! And we have not stopped smiling.

Baby Westhoff is due to arrive in early August 2008 (or late July). It's still really early, but it's further down this road than we've ever been - so don't do that thing where you worry about how early it is to start telling people. At this point, we're beyond "cautiously optimistic". We're actually hopeful, encouraged, and relieved for the first time in two years. We CAN get pregnant! That's what feels the best to me right now.

So we're going to document the journey. We're going to share our ups and downs (and hcG levels) because we didn't do this alone. We've had the support of our friends and our families from the very beginning. So thanks everybody! And here's to our new beginning...


Anonymous said...

Ashley!! That is wonderful news! I am so excited to watch your blog and follow the pregnancy!

You may or may not know that I actually just had a baby this past May. Her name is Ava Christine and, believe it or not, we also have a blog!

djayt said...

Wow! I'm the first comment! I mean, congratulations on the baby and everything, but wow, first comment! Is there a prize?

Congratulations again! To both of us!


dang it! during the time I was logging onto blogger, someone beat me to first comment. Enjoy the prize, sara, whoever you are.

Anonymous said...

Take that, mystery Dan! That's why I stay logged in, baby. (j/k)

Congrats Westhoffs!!

Crouser said...

Congrats! (this is my first official foray into the blogosphere, so please pardon my brief comments - working for a communications company, it's important to be on the cutting edge)Again, congrats!

shannon said...

I am so happy for you guys-
you are already so wonderful with babies that I can't wait to see you as parents.
What a great idea to have a blog-